Selasa, 14 Februari 2017

Phobia Men on Beautiful Woman

Phobia Men on Beautiful Woman
                         - Instead of talking, you just approach him go away. If you looked up to him, he hurriedly looked away. Do not necessarily think of arrogant, because, he might actually have venustraphobia. That is, the excessive fear of the beautiful woman. How can it be? Fear berlebihanSebelum further addressed venustraphobia, you need to know phobia in general. Phobia is defined as an irrational fear of an object or situation specific activity. The fear triggered by stimuli that are not really scary or threatening suicide. For example, you are afraid of certain fruit, but the fruit is not dangerous or life-threatening. Depending if you are afraid of crocodiles. It's normal and natural. Although not life threatening, but phobias have a major impact on the quality of life of the sufferer. Venustraphobia (also called caligynephobia) is the excessive fear of the beautiful woman. As with other types of phobias, phobia is also due to unnatural stimulants and not life-threatening. Usually the cause is an event or a bad experience associated with beautiful women that cause psychological trauma sufferers. What happened when the patient is in the venustraphobia between beautiful women? Cold sweat, trembling and gasping breath. The psychologists say, the cause of this venustraphobia is feeling insecure or inferior exaggerated, fear of rejection, fear of not being accepted, or fear of failing relationships. SembuhBila couples can show symptoms venustraphobia, you need not worry. He was not alone in this world. A study says, is estimated at about 0.47 per cent of men in Britain and 0.61 percent of men in the United States attacked venustraphobia. Other studies mention this phobia sufferers more come from the upper middle class. The reason, as mentioned earlier, the attitude of inferiority excessive. Starting from insecure, over time these feelings accumulated into a phobia. People with this phobia can actually be cured. There are various methods of recovery to make the sufferer out of fear, ranging from hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, to energy psychology. Like computers, hypnotherapy treatment is done by reprogramming the subconscious of patients with the help of therapy or psychologist as a mediator. When fears have been reprogrammed, phobia, this will be reduced to a minimum. Neuro-linguistic programming using the power of the imagination to reprogram the fear of the patient. While energy psychology is a recovery therapy that combines various forms of recovery against the phobia. This method is relatively safe. Another way to healing is done using antidepressants, talk therapy, or cognitive behavior therapy. (Ika Nurul Syifaa / Magazine CHIC)

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